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General Discussion / THE SCOAN SUNDAY LIVE SERVICE ...
Last post by Administrator - Mar 17, 2024, 11:39 AM

"It is the will of God to bless, heal, deliver you," Evangelist James tells the people at the start of the Mass Prayer session.

Evangelist James tells the people to pray: "Lord Jesus, rain on me Your spirit of deliverance. You spirit that wants to hinder me – I command you, in the name of Jesus – Out! You unclean spirit, family idol, ancestral spirit that wants to stop me – I command you: Out! You unclean spirit using my weakness against me – I command you in the name of Jesus: Out!"

Evangelist Ope tells the people to declare: "You spirit tormenting my life, efforts – anywhere you are – Holy Ghost Fire: Out!" He also prays for them: "That spirit disturbing your peace, tormenting your life – loose your grip, in the name of Jesus!"

Evangelist Chisom tells the people: "Whatever spirit that is not of God in your body, causing you sickness, disease – say: Out, in the name of Jesus!" He also urges them to declare: "You sickness, disease – my body is not your dwelling place; your end has come. In the name of Jesus: Out!"

Evangelist Joseph tells the people to decree: "You spirit of stagnation, delay operating in my life, career, family, business – by the authority in the name of Jesus Christ, I order you: Give way, in the name of Jesus! You stagnation in my business, in my life – you spirit, you messenger of satan causing me delay – I order you: Out!"

Pastor Evelyn Joshua says to congregants: "Ask Jesus Christ to command every sickness, affliction out of your system! Ask every raging storm in your life to be still. Ask every mountain in your life to be levelled."

The woman of God prays: "We command the healing hand of Jesus Christ upon your life, in the name of Jesus Christ! Be delivered from that chain, from that cage! Cancel every appointment with disappointment! We command every garment of shame, sickness to be removed, in the name of Jesus! Receive your deliverance, breakthrough, in the name of Jesus Christ!"

For viewers all over the world, Pastor Evelyn Joshua prays: "We command every spirit that is tormenting your life, career, family to loose its grip, in the name of Jesus Christ! All that can stop you from receiving the blessings of God today – be removed, in the name of Jesus Christ! Every negative word spoken against you – be nullified, in the name of Jesus! Healing, blessings, deliverance, freedom to your life, in the name of Jesus!"
General Discussion / The Unseen Angle: Anthony Josh...
Last post by Administrator - Mar 16, 2024, 04:27 AM
The Unseen Angle: Anthony Joshua vs Francis Ngannou Knockout Blow in Real Boxing!
Unveiling the Unpredictable: Anthony Joshua vs Francis Ngannou Showdown

Two titans of the ring, Anthony Joshua and Francis Ngannou, clashed in a spectacle that left fans in awe. The buildup was intense, with both fighters showcasing their incredible skills and determination. As the bell rang, the anticipation was palpable, and what followed was nothing short of jaw-dropping.

Anthony Joshua VS Francis Ngannou: Explosive Knockout Chaos Showdown on Camera
The Power Unleashed: Joshua and Ngannou Lock Horns

Joshua, known for his precision and technique, faced off against the raw power of Ngannou. The two fighters exchanged blows, each landing significant hits. But it was a moment of brilliance that took everyone by surprise. From an unseen angle, Joshua unleashed a powerful shot that connected with Ngannou's chin, sending him crashing to the canvas.

The Knockout Blow: A Defining Moment in Boxing History

As Ngannou struggled to get back on his feet, the referee counted him out. The crowd erupted in cheers, recognizing the sheer power and skill displayed by Joshua. The knockout blow was not just a victory for Joshua but a moment that will be etched in boxing history forever.

The Aftermath: Reflections on a Remarkable Fight

In the aftermath of the fight, both fighters showed respect and sportsmanship towards each other. Joshua's precision and Ngannou's power created a dynamic clash that will be remembered for years to come. The unseen angle from which Joshua delivered the knockout blow added an element of surprise and excitement to the fight, leaving fans and critics alike in awe.

Conclusion: The Unseen Angle's Impact on the Boxing World

The showdown between Anthony Joshua and Francis Ngannou was a testament to the unpredictability and excitement of boxing. The unseen angle from which Joshua delivered the knockout blow highlighted the element of surprise that makes boxing such a thrilling sport. As fans continue to dissect and analyze every moment of the fight, one thing is clear: the unseen angle has the power to change the course of history in the boxing world.
General Discussion / Anthony Joshua VS Francis Ngan...
Last post by Administrator - Mar 16, 2024, 03:52 AM
Anthony Joshua VS Francis Ngannou: Explosive Knockout Showdown 
The Build-Up: Battle of the Titans

In a clash that sent shockwaves through the world of combat sports, Anthony Joshua and Francis Ngannou finally squared off in an epic showdown that had fans on the edge of their seats. The anticipation leading up to the fight was palpable, with both fighters boasting impressive records and a reputation for delivering jaw-dropping knockouts.

The Thunderous Blow: Ngannou's Dominance

As the fighters entered the ring, the atmosphere crackled with electricity. Ngannou, known for his raw power and relentless aggression, wasted no time in asserting his dominance. With lightning-fast strikes and precision footwork, he relentlessly pursued Joshua, who struggled to keep up with the sheer force of Ngannou's onslaught.

Watch the full video via the link 

The Moment of Impact: Joshua Stunned

In a heart-stopping moment that will be etched in the annals of combat sports history, Ngannou unleashed a thunderous blow that sent Joshua crashing to the canvas. The collective gasp of the crowd was deafening as Joshua, dazed and disoriented, struggled to regain his footing. Ngannou stood tall, a towering figure of power and determination, his eyes locked on his fallen opponent.

The Spectacular Finish: Ngannou Reigns Supreme

With a final, devastating blow, Ngannou sealed his victory in spectacular fashion. The referee rushed in to call an end to the fight as Joshua lay motionless on the canvas, a testament to the sheer force of Ngannou's power. The crowd erupted in a frenzy of cheers and applause, acknowledging Ngannou's undeniable prowess in the ring.

Watch the moment Ngannou went down via this link:

Almighty And Fearless Anthony Joshua (Nigerian/UK) KNOCKS OUT Francis Ngannou (Cameroon) Raw Boxing.

The Aftermath: A New Era in Combat Sports

As the dust settled and the excitement of the fight began to fade, one thing was clear - Ngannou had cemented his status as a true force to be reckoned with in the world of combat sports. His victory over Joshua was not just a win, but a statement - a declaration of his dominance and a promise of more thrilling battles to come.

In conclusion, the clash between Anthony Joshua and Francis Ngannou was a spectacle of raw power, skill, and determination. Ngannou's knockout victory will be remembered as a defining moment in combat sports history, ushering in a new era of excitement and anticipation for fans around the world.
Business / Unlocking the Power of Algorit...
Last post by Administrator - Mar 16, 2024, 03:26 AM
Unlocking the Power of Algorithms to Boost Your Website's Revenue
Leveraging Algorithms for Profit
In today's digital landscape, utilizing algorithms effectively can significantly impact your website's profitability. Algorithms are intricate sets of rules and calculations that determine the order in which content is displayed to users. By harnessing the power of algorithms, you can optimize your site for increased visibility, engagement, and ultimately, revenue.

Understanding Algorithmic Patterns
To maximize your earnings through algorithmic strategies, it is crucial to comprehend the patterns and behaviors of these mathematical constructs. Algorithms operate based on specific criteria such as relevance, popularity, and user behavior. By analyzing these factors, you can tailor your content and marketing efforts to align with the algorithms' preferences, thereby increasing your chances of monetization.

Crafting Compelling Content
One of the most effective ways to leverage algorithms for profitability is by creating high-quality, engaging content. Algorithms prioritize content that is relevant, informative, and valuable to users. By producing compelling articles, videos, or infographics, you can attract more traffic to your site and improve your search engine rankings, leading to increased monetization opportunities.

Enhancing User Experience
Another essential aspect of algorithmic monetization is optimizing the user experience on your website. Algorithms favor sites that provide a seamless and enjoyable browsing experience for visitors. By ensuring fast load times, intuitive navigation, and mobile responsiveness, you can enhance user engagement and retention, ultimately boosting your revenue potential.

Embracing Data-Driven Decisions
Data-driven decision-making is key to effectively using algorithms for financial gain. By analyzing user data, traffic patterns, and conversion rates, you can identify opportunities for optimization and growth. Leveraging analytics tools and metrics allows you to make informed decisions that align with algorithmic requirements, driving increased profitability for your website.

Maximizing Revenue Streams
Ultimately, the goal of utilizing algorithms to make money on your website is to maximize revenue streams. By diversifying your monetization strategies �� such as through advertising, affiliate marketing, e-commerce, or sponsored content – you can capitalize on various opportunities to generate income. Aligning these revenue streams with algorithmic best practices ensures sustainable growth and profitability for your online platform.

In conclusion, by understanding and strategically leveraging algorithms, you can unlock the full potential of your website for financial success. Through crafting compelling content, enhancing user experience, embracing data-driven decisions, and maximizing revenue streams, you can position your site for increased visibility, engagement, and profitability
General Discussion / The Current Value of the Niger...
Last post by Administrator - Mar 13, 2024, 11:58 AM
The Current Value of the Nigerian Naira in Exchange Rate with US Dollar
Understanding the Nigerian Naira Exchange Rate
The exchange rate between the Nigerian Naira and the US Dollar has been a topic of interest for many individuals and businesses alike. It reflects the value of the Naira in comparison to the widely-used US Dollar. This exchange rate plays a crucial role in determining the purchasing power of individuals in Nigeria and the country's economic stability.

Factors Influencing the Exchange Rate
Several factors influence the exchange rate between the Nigerian Naira and the US Dollar. Economic indicators, political stability, inflation rates, and global market trends all contribute to the fluctuations in the exchange rate. Understanding these factors can provide insights into the current value of the Naira against the Dollar.

Current Value of the Nigerian Naira to US Dollar
As of [current date], the exchange rate between the Nigerian Naira and the US Dollar stands at [current value]. This rate is subject to fluctuations based on various economic and market conditions. Monitoring the exchange rate regularly is essential for individuals and businesses engaged in international trade or transactions involving foreign currency.

Implications of Exchange Rate Fluctuations
Fluctuations in the exchange rate can have significant implications for the Nigerian economy. A strong Naira can boost imports and reduce the cost of foreign goods, benefiting consumers. However, a weaker Naira can make exports more competitive but may lead to higher prices for imported goods, impacting inflation rates.

The current value of the Nigerian Naira in exchange rate with the US Dollar is a critical indicator of the country's economic health and stability. Understanding the factors influencing this exchange rate and monitoring its fluctuations can help individuals and businesses make informed financial decisions in an increasingly globalized world. Stay informed and stay ahead in navigating the dynamics of the currency market.
Business / The Best POS Network Service i...
Last post by Administrator - Mar 13, 2024, 11:43 AM
The Best POS Network Service in Nigeria: Firstmonie, Opay, Moniepoint, and Access Closa
In Nigeria, the world of digital payments has witnessed a rapid evolution with the emergence of various Point of Sale (POS) network services. Among the top contenders are Firstmonie, Opay, Moniepoint, and Access Closa. Choosing the best one can be a perplexing task for business owners looking to streamline their payment processes. In this article, we delve into the features and benefits of each service to help you make an informed decision.

Firstmonie: The Pioneer
Firstmonie stands out as one of the pioneers in the Nigerian POS network service market. With a user-friendly interface and a wide network of merchants, Firstmonie offers convenience and reliability. Users can enjoy seamless transactions and real-time monitoring of sales. However, some users have reported occasional glitches in the system, which can be a drawback for businesses requiring uninterrupted service.

Opay: The Game-Changer
Opay has quickly risen to prominence as a game-changer in the POS network service sector. With its innovative solutions and competitive pricing, Opay caters to businesses of all sizes. The platform boasts quick transaction processing and robust security features to protect user data. Despite its rapid growth, Opay lags behind in terms of customer support, with some users expressing dissatisfaction with response times.

Moniepoint: The Reliable Choice
Moniepoint has carved a niche for itself as a reliable POS network service provider in Nigeria. Known for its high success rate in transaction processing and minimal downtime, Moniepoint offers stability and efficiency. The platform also provides detailed analytics and reporting to help businesses track their performance. However, some users have raised concerns about the limited range of services offered by Moniepoint compared to its competitors.

Access Closa: The Underdog
Access Closa may not be as widely recognized as the other players in the market, but it brings its own set of benefits to the table. With a focus on customer satisfaction and tailored solutions, Access Closa aims to provide a personalized experience for its users. The platform's user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it a preferred choice for small businesses. However, the lack of brand visibility poses a challenge for Access Closa in gaining market traction.

In conclusion, the best POS network service in Nigeria ultimately depends on your specific business needs and priorities. Firstmonie, Opay, Moniepoint, and Access Closa each offer unique advantages and drawbacks that cater to different segments of the market. By evaluating factors such as reliability, affordability, customer support, and scalability, you can determine which service aligns best with your business goals. Make an informed decision to optimize your payment processes and drive growth in the digital era.

visit this site and get more update
Business / Can AI Be The Key to Africa’s ...
Last post by Administrator - Mar 13, 2024, 09:58 AM
The Impact of AI on Sustainable Agriculture
Delving into the world of sustainable farming, AI has become an indispensable ally, trailblazing methods for efficient and environmentally-friendly practices. Its unique capabilities have ushered in a new era in agriculture, where precision and conservation take the center stage.

The precision with which AI operates directly contributes to the optimization of natural resources. For instance, think about water use in farming. Traditional irrigation methods often lead to substantial water wastage. However, with AI in the picture, it's a whole different ball game. By analyzing weather forecasts and soil conditions, AI can guide farmers on precisely when and how much to irrigate, ensuring not a drop of water goes to waste.

Then, there's the issue of fertilizers and pesticides. Traditionally, these have been applied indiscriminately, leading to harmful run-offs that pollute water bodies and damage biodiversity. Once again, AI technology steps in. Using high-resolution images and data analysis, AI can identify areas of the field where pests or poor nutrition are a problem and guide farmers to apply inputs only where necessary. This not only saves resources but also reduces the harmful environmental impact.

AI's role in sustainable agriculture extends to waste management too. By analyzing patterns in crop yields, livestock health, and market demand, AI can help farmers streamline their operations to reduce waste. Similarly, AI can also aid in tracking and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from farming, another significant step towards environmental conservation.

As if that wasn't enough, AI is stepping up to one of the most formidable challenges of our time – climate change. By boosting efficiency and resilience, AI is preparing the agriculture sector to adapt and thrive in the face of changing climate patterns, ensuring our future food security.

In Africa, where climate change poses significant risks to agriculture, AI's potential is even more significant. Through AI, farmers can get accurate forecasts of weather patterns and timely alerts about pest outbreaks, enabling them to take preventive measures and reduce losses.

In a nutshell, AI is not only revolutionizing how we farm, but also redefining what it means to farm sustainably. It's a brave new world in agriculture, and with AI as a partner, we're well-equipped to navigate it.

The Implementation of AI in African Agriculture
Africa's agricultural landscape presents an ideal setting for the transformative power of AI. In a continent where farming remains a crucial pillar of the economy, the potential impact of AI could be tremendous. By introducing AI technologies, African farmers can be equipped with tools and insights that can significantly increase productivity and resilience.

The majority of African nations are characterized as primarily agrarian, with agriculture forming a crucial part of their economic structure. Here's where AI comes into the picture. Leveraging AI can help address some of the prevailing challenges facing African agriculture – unpredictable rainfall patterns, soil degradation, and frequent pest infestations. Armed with AI, farmers can receive precise weather forecasts and timely alerts about potential pest outbreaks, allowing them to respond proactively and minimize losses.

AI also holds promise in combating the effects of climate change on African agriculture. Its ability to bolster efficiency and resilience can prepare farmers to adapt and thrive amidst changing climatic patterns, thus securing the future of food production in Africa.

Already, there is a palpable shift occurring, with several startups and initiatives striving to bring AI technologies closer to African farmers. Through these efforts, AI is slowly but surely finding its place in Africa's agricultural narrative, promising a future of smarter, more efficient farming.

However, the path to widespread AI adoption is not without obstacles. The high costs of AI technologies, lack of robust digital infrastructure, and limited digital literacy among farmers pose significant barriers. But these are not insurmountable. With a shared commitment from governments, tech companies, and NGOs to make AI technologies affordable, invest in digital infrastructure, and provide capacity building programs for farmers, the adoption of AI in African agriculture can be accelerated.

The future of African agriculture is unfolding, and it's a future where AI takes center stage. With AI as a tool and ally, African farmers stand to gain immensely, opening up possibilities for increased productivity, improved resilience, and sustainable farming. The potential is immense and the time to harness it is now. This is the dawn of a new era in African agriculture, one powered by AI.

General Discussion / 10 Of The World’s Most Beautif...
Last post by Administrator - Mar 13, 2024, 09:45 AM
Beaches hold a timeless allure, captivating travelers with their pristine beauty, azure waters, and powdery sands. From secluded coves to bustling shores, the world is home to an array of stunning beaches that cater to every taste and preference. In this article, we will explore some of the most breathtaking beaches across the globe, each with its own unique charm and allure.

1. Anse Source d'Argent, Seychelles
Tone of Voice: Enchanted

Nestled on the picturesque island of La Digue in the Seychelles, Anse Source d'Argent is a true paradise on earth. With its blinding white sands and towering granite boulders, this beach is a photographer's dream. The turquoise waters, protected by an offshore reef, provide the perfect setting for swimming and snorkeling. As you explore the beach, keep an eye out for endangered birds and giant tortoises, adding to the enchantment of this remarkable destination.

2. Polihale Beach, Hawaii, USA
Tone of Voice: Majestic

On the western end of Kauai, the oldest of the Hawaiian Islands, lies Polihale Beach. Stretching for 11 kilometers, this secluded beach offers a sense of enchantment and mystique. Accessible via a dirt road, the journey to Polihale Beach is an adventure in itself. The rugged beauty of the beach, with its golden sands and towering cliffs, creates a truly majestic backdrop. As you soak in the breathtaking views, you'll understand why this beach is considered one of Hawaii's hidden gems.

3. Camps Bay, Cape Town, South Africa
Tone of Voice: Sophisticated

Camps Bay, located in the vibrant city of Cape Town, South Africa, is a beach that epitomizes sophistication. With its white sand, framed by the towering Twelve Apostles Mountain Range and Table Mountain, Camps Bay offers a unique combination of natural beauty and urban charm. While the water may be a bit chilly due to the Atlantic Ocean currents, the stunning scenery and world-famous sunsets more than make up for it. Indulge in beachside dining and enjoy the lively atmosphere of this cosmopolitan beach destination.

4. Maya Bay, Koh Phi Phi, Thailand
Tone of Voice: Exotic

Nestled on the stunning island of Koh Phi Phi in Thailand, Maya Bay is an exotic paradise that has captured the hearts of travelers worldwide. Made famous by the movie "The Beach," starring Leonardo DiCaprio, this bay features a ring of white sand surrounded by mangroves and towering limestone cliffs. The crystal-clear waters, teeming with colorful coral and exotic fish, offer an unparalleled snorkeling experience. Immerse yourself in the beauty of Maya Bay and create memories that will last a lifetime.

5. Long Beach, Vancouver Island, Canada
Tone of Voice: Untamed

While tropical beaches often steal the spotlight, the untamed beauty of Long Beach on Canada's Vancouver Island is a testament to the diversity of stunning coastal landscapes. With its 10-mile stretch of pristine sand, backed by lush rainforests and pounded by the cool surf, Long Beach offers a mesmerizing maritime wilderness experience. As you explore this captivating beach, keep an eye out for the 20,000 grey whales that migrate along this coast each spring and summer.

6. Baia do Sancho, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil
Tone of Voice: Adventurous

Baia do Sancho, located on the remote island of Fernando de Noronha in Brazil, is a beach that rewards the intrepid traveler. Situated amidst towering cliffs covered in lush vegetation, this beach offers sparkling emerald waters and soft white sands. Accessible only by boat or a narrow dirt trail through a rock wall, the journey to Baia do Sancho adds to the sense of adventure. Snorkelers will be delighted by the opportunity to spot rays and other marine life in the crystal-clear waters.

7. Whitehaven Beach, Queensland, Australia
Tone of Voice: Pristine

Nestled in the heart of the Great Barrier Reef, Whitehaven Beach in Queensland, Australia, is a pristine paradise that will leave you in awe. Stretching for 7 kilometers, this beach is renowned for its 98% pure white silica sand, which gives it a luminescent appearance. The swirling hues of turquoise, blue, and green water create a mesmerizing backdrop. Whether you arrive by seaplane, boat, or yacht excursion, Whitehaven Beach is a must-visit destination for beach lovers.

8. Grace Bay, Turks & Caicos
Tone of Voice: Serene

Grace Bay, located on the island of Providenciales in the Turks & Caicos, offers a serene escape for those seeking relaxation and natural beauty. With its 19 kilometers of sugary white sand and transparent water, this beach is a paradise-perfect mix. The coral reef system fringing the shore provides excellent opportunities for snorkeling and diving. While the area has seen an increase in development, there are still private hotel beaches, such as Amanyara and Parrot Cay, where you can enjoy a more secluded experience.

9. Navagio Beach, Zakynthos, Greece
Tone of Voice: Enigmatic

Navagio Beach, also known as Shipwreck Beach, is a secluded cove on the Greek island of Zakynthos that exudes an air of mystery. Accessible only by boat, this beach is famous for its sheer limestone cliffs, white sand, and clear blue water. At the center of the beach lies the wreckage of a ship called Panagiotis, adding to its enigmatic allure. Standing on the high side of the surrounding cliffs offers a breathtaking view of the entire strip of beach.

10. Tulum, Riviera Maya, Mexico
Tone of Voice: Historic

Tulum, located on the Riviera Maya in Mexico, offers a unique blend of history and natural beauty. The ancient Mayan ruins overlooking the beach make Tulum a truly special destination. The combination of the ancient walled city perched on a rocky cliff and the spectacular beach creates a captivating contrast. While the area can be crowded, the broad stretch of white sand and mesmerizing turquoise Caribbean waters make Tulum a must-visit beach destination.

In conclusion, the world is blessed with an abundance of stunning beaches, each with its own distinct character and allure. Whether you seek relaxation, adventure, or cultural immersion, these beautiful beaches offer an escape into paradise. So pack your swimsuit and sunscreen, and embark on a journey to discover the breathtaking beauty of these coastal wonders.
Politics News / Bonny/Degema Federal Constitue...
Last post by Administrator - Mar 13, 2024, 09:23 AM
Bonny/Degema Federal Constituency Review For The Month of March, 2024.

1- Following the advocacy by Hon. Hart Cyril Godwin, member representing Degema/Bonny Federal Constituency; for the Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority
(NMDPRA) to begin the implementation of the PIA, as regards gas flare penalties, to benefit the Host Communities.

We are glad to announce that the Authority has finally constituted
the Midstream Gas Infrastructure Fund (MDGIF) Council.

We look forward to further engagements with the Authority to advise projects and programmes that will give relief to the immediate sufferers - communities that inhale the flares in line with the provisions of the PIA.
Rep Cyril Hart
Last post by Administrator - Mar 13, 2024, 09:13 AM

While delivering his address during the King Perekule Royal Banquet on Saturday, December 30, 2023, His Majesty, King Edward Asimini William Dappa Pepple III, Edward I, Perekule XI, Natural Ruler and Amanyanabo of Bonny Kingdom, had admonished companies and owners of businesses in Bonny Kingdom to register with the esteemed Bonny Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (BOCCIMA). That call to action presented a unique opportunity for companies and businesses to gain a competitive edge and unlock a myriad of benefits and opportunities associated with being affiliated with Bonny Chamber that is connected to Chambers of advanced countries and developed economies.

Apart from His Majesty's assertion that it would get to a point where it will be difficult to operate in Bonny Kingdom without affiliating to the Chamber, it is imperative to highlight some of the benefits of registering with Bonny Chamber of Commerce:

(1.) Networking Opportunities: By joining the Bonny Chamber of Commerce, companies and businesses can tap into a vast network of local and international businesses, fostering valuable connections that can lead to partnerships, collaborations, and business growth.

(2.) Access to Resources: Registered companies gain access to a wealth of resources, including market research, business development tools, training programs, and industry insights that can help them stay ahead in a rapidly evolving business landscape.

(3.) Visibility and Credibility: Being part of the Chamber lends credibility to a company's reputation and enhances its visibility within the business community. This can attract potential clients, investors, and partners who value association with reputable organizations.

(4.) Advocacy and Representation: The Bonny Chamber of Commerce serves as a strong advocate for the interests of its members, representing their concerns at local, national, and international levels. This ensures that businesses have a voice in shaping policies that affect their operations.

(5.) Learning and Growth Opportunities: Through seminars, workshops, and events organized by the Chamber, companies can stay informed about industry trends, best practices, and emerging opportunities, enabling them to adapt and thrive in a competitive market environment.

His Majesty's statement on the issue is clear and unambiguous:

"Today, Bonny Chamber is affiliated to seven Embassies including Chinese Embassy and American Embassy. Some of our people who tried to get involved in those kind of things were in communication with the Caribbean Embassy, and in the process they realized that it was easier because Bonny has a Chamber of Commerce. When they mentioned that Bonny has a Chamber of Commerce, the Caribbean Embassy was so excited. They told them that it would be easier for them because it has to do with business relations and all of that."

In conclusion, registering with the Bonny Chamber of Commerce is not just a formality but a strategic decision that can propel businesses towards success. By aligning with an organization that is connected to advanced economies, coupled with the vast knowledge of His Majesty and ingenuity of the President of BOCCIMA, Mrs. Constance Nwokejiobi, companies and businesses in Bonny Kingdom can gain a significant advantage over their competitors and position themselves for sustainable growth and prosperity.

Companies and businesses in Bonny Kingdom are, at this juncture, enjoined to embrace this unique opportunity today and elevate to new heights under the guidance of His Majesty, the King.