Bonny Gist

King Dr Edward Asimini William Dappa Pepple III, Edward I, of Bonny Kingdom Happy 59TH Birthday Messages

King Dr Edward Asimini William Dappa Pepple III, Edward Iof Bonny Kingdom Happy 59TH Birthday Messages
Written by whitenewsadmin

King Dr Edward Asimini William Dappa Pepple III, Edward I of Bonny Kingdom Happy 59TH Birthday Messages


On behalf of Bonny Local Government Council, I warmly felicitate with His Majesty, King Dr Edward Asimini William Dappa Pepple III, Edward I, CON, DSSRS, JP., Perekule XI, Natural Ruler and Amayanabo of Bonny Kingdom on the occasion of your birthday anniversary.

Your Majesty, over the years you have been very pivotal to the attainment of the enduring peace, security and progress being enjoyed by Bonny people as a result of your far-reaching display of wisdom through advice, strategic engagement and fatherly blessings.

On this beautiful occasion of your birthday, it is my heartfelt prayers that God Almighty grant you unlimited grace, vitality and longevity to continually lead your people and provide even greater contributions for the upliftment of Bonny Kingdom, Rivers State and Nigeria at large. Amen.
Congratulations, Your Majesty!


On behalf of the management and staff of Ijaw Heritage Television International, I gladly felicitate with you, His Majesty King Dr. Edward Asimini William Dappa Pepple III
Natural Ruler and Amanyanabo of ancient Bonny Kingdom, Rivers State on the auspicious occasion of your birthday today.

Your Majesty, your leadership and wisdom have continued to foster enduring peace, security and development in your great Kingdom of Bonny, and our dear state, and that have distinguished you as one of the most revered, yet benevolent monarchs of our time.

As you mark your 59 years of existence on earth, it is our heartfelt prayers that God Almighty continue to grant you infinite wisdom and grace to continue to lead your
people, and make even greater contribution to the upliftment of your kingdom, our state and nation, and may you enjoy long life and abundance of sound health!

59 Happy Cheers To His Majesty!

Our Dear King and Father;
On the auspicious occasion of your birthday, we, the members of Bonny Kingdom Ogbobiri Asawo, extend our warmest felicitations and heartfelt gratitude. Your Majesty, your life is a testament to the transformative power of kindness, compassion, and generosity.

Your trademark generosity has touched countless lives, from the humblest of subjects to the most esteemed of dignitaries. Your kindness has brought solace to the afflicted, hope to the hopeless, and joy to the downtrodden. Your compassion has bridged the gaps between communities, fostering unity and understanding in the realm of Bonny Kingdom.

Your astute leadership has brought about a new era of prosperity and progress, as the kingdom has flourished under your wise and just rule. Your vision has inspired a new generation of leaders, and your unwavering commitment to the welfare of your people has earned you the reverence and admiration of all.

As we celebrate your birthday, we pray that the blessings of the Almighty continue to be upon you and your royal family. May your reign be long, peaceful, and prosperous, and may your legacy continue to inspire future generations.
Wishing Your Majesty a joyous 59th Birthday and a lifetime of happiness and fulfilment.


Your Majesty, the King;
On the occasion of your esteemed birthday, the Bonny Chiefs’ Council extends its warmest and most sincere felicitations. Your remarkable leadership has been a beacon of hope and guidance for our people, and we are deeply grateful for the unflagging commitment you have shown to Kingdom.

Your Majesty’s astute vision and steadfast dedication have been instrumental in fostering a harmonious relationship between the Chiefs’ Council and the throne. Your willingness to listen and your ability to navigate the complexities of leadership have earned you our deepest respect and profound admiration.

We wish Your Majesty many more years of good health, happiness, and continued success. May your reign be long and prosperous, and may your bond with the Bonny Chiefs’ Council continue to flower and flourish.
We stand ready to support and encourage you in any way we can, now and always.
Happy 59th Birthday, Your Majesty!
God bless King Edward I of Bonny Kingdom.



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