Bonny Gist


The Amanyanabo of Bonny Kingdom has said that the year 2024 would be one of the most beautiful and memorable years in the history of Bonny Kingdom because of a number of projects that have already been earmarked for execution, which would change the face of the community.
Written by whitenewsadmin


The Amanyanabo of Bonny Kingdom has said that the year 2024 would be one of the most beautiful and memorable years in the history of Bonny Kingdom because of a number of projects that have already been earmarked for execution, which would change the face of the community. He also called for total vigilance and carefulness among the people, considering very unpalatable security reports that are emanating from across the country.
His Majesty, King Edward Asimini William Dappa Pepple III, Edward I, Perekule XI, Natural Ruler and Amanyanabo of Bonny Kingdom, who said this while addressing congregants at the St. Stephen’s Cathedral Church Bonny, remarked that it was a thing of joy that God Almighty decided to bless Bonny Kingdom at a very difficult time by making the much-anticipated Train-7 Project of NLNG to materialize at a time when the economy of the entire world was struggling.
“We were talking about Train-7 for many years, but Train-7 never came. At a time, everybody stopped talking about Train-7 because we thought it was not going to happen again. But we were in the Palace in December 2019 when the information came that the Final Investment Decision (FID) for Train-7 has been taken. It was that decision that guaranteed that Train-7 Project is going on now.
“Immediately after that, in March 2020, the entire world was locked down because of COVID-19. So, if that FID was not taken in December 2019, this Train-7 Project wouldn’t have seen the light of day because nobody in their right frame of mind would have taken a major economic decision like Train-7 Project when the economy of the world was locked down. But because the Final Investment Decision had already been taken, they won’t go back on it. So all they have to do is to manage the challenges, and see how they can support and go on with the project. That is what is going on now. That’s why I said that we are lucky. In the entire country today, there is nowhere an activity like this is going on. That is why I said we should always glorify God for His love for Bonny Kingdom” His Majesty said.
The Amanyanabo admonished the people to always endeavour to be reasonable and civil in the face of disagreements, warning that he would never support anybody who has decided to take the laws into their hands, but quickly added that he would never look the other way if anybody or any part of the kingdom is being shortchanged for whatever reason. “My major interest and concern is to ensure that my people benefit from what God has blessed us with as a Kingdom” he said.
His Majesty goes on to say: “We may not have gotten all that we expected in the beginning; but as the saying goes, ‘half bread is better than none.’ What is happening now gives us the hope that better things will come our way.”
The Bonny Monarch used to opportunity to remind the people of a number of projects which have been signed and expected to be executed this year, including: Expansion of the road from Shell Gate to Coal Beach with a Spur from Amaomu Junction down to King Perekule Palace; the Football Academy with all its accompaniments – stadium, clinic and dormitory, etc, the Vehicular Terminal, amongst others. He called on the people to give their maximum support and cooperation to ensure timely completion of those projects.
“These projects when completed will change the face of this community. You know that apart from the main projects, there will be fallouts which a lot of people will benefit from. All I ask from you is your support and cooperation.”
His Majesty added that more projects are expected to come up because the projects that are being talked about now are the ones tied to Train-7 plant of NLNG. “A lot of things will still happen here. These projects I just talked about are all Train-7 projects. We are aware that for 12 years, SPDC, NLNG and Mobil never did any community project in Bonny. So, we will still call them back to know what will happen to those 12 years that they did not do any community project here.”
The Amanyanabo of Bonny Kingdom finally assured the people that the Bonny-Bodo Road project will be completed and delivered as expected. “Bonny-Bodo Road project is not abandoned. I have assurances that the road project will be completed and delivered. So, erase anything about abandonment from your mind. I want to assure you that by the special grace of God, 2024 will be one of the most beautiful and memorable years in Bonny Kingdom.”
Earlier, King Edward Asimini William Dappa Pepple III, Edward I, Perekule XI, Natural Ruler and Amanyanabo of Bonny Kingdom had expressed his displeasure that St. Stephen’s Cathedral Church Bonny is not being given its deserved recognition as the premier Anglican Church in Nigeria. He said he his expressed his concerns at the highest level and hoped that the anomaly would be corrected.
The Amanyanabo of Bonny Kingdom promised to continue to support St. Stephen’s Cathedral Church and all its departments so that everybody will carry out their responsibilities happily. “My support to this Church is support to myself. I equally encourage all of you to continue to support this Church in your own ways because this is the church all of us can call our own,” he said.
Adolf Ransom Pepple,
King Perekule Palace,
Bonny Kingdom.

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